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    Fulicatra,Uses Everyday Life Skills To Become Modern Musician

    In today’s world, in almost every and any industry, aspiring professionals tend to overlook certain essential skills that can help them get nearer their visions in their career. Some of them only jump into a particular field, having the attitude of ‘going with the flow’; however, this is not something that always helps individuals grow themselves as professionals.

    This applies to the music industry as well, where many musicians and singer believe that their talent may be enough for them to gain an increasing presence and prominence in their field, but there are a few must-have skills that they must hone to become the modern musician they are aiming for.

    Evandas Laukys, popularly known as Fulicatra, has earned massive followings and name across the music industry as well as the social media platforms because he worked upon certain skills that took him towards more success each day.

    There are a few must-have skills, according to Fulicatra that he believes will help musical artists stand out from the crowd.


    In today’s digital era and with the growing influence of social media, marketing has become a crucial skill for professionals in any industry, according to Fulicatra. He says that marketing has become equally essential as great music itself. One must hone their marketing skills to get themselves in front of the right people, just like Fulicatra did with his social media presence by creating unique music and other content. Once, people develop an engagement, they know who their audience is and they can direct their marketing strategies towards them to gain much more presence.


    Marketing and branding both go hand-in-hand. Creating a unique image of oneself in the vast music industry is crucial and hence, branding comes into play, says Fulicatra. He points out that branding is exactly what people think it is. It is how an artist sounds, looks, behaves and so on. Branding is also essential for maintaining a great social media presence. Honing branding skills can help musicians and artists to get recognizable and distinguishable among the rest.


    Evandas Laukys says that musicians love to create music and aim to be better each day with the instruments, tunes, lyrics, etc. Hence, he suggests people to hone their creative skills and think outside the box, which can help them be their better versions each day. Ultimately, how unique a singer and musical artist is with his/her songs will define the success he/she may get in the field.

    Recalling his earlier days, Fulicatra says that they had three instruments in their house and he played all of them as a kid. From here, his passion for music grew and he hustled very hard to reach where he is today, gaining great recognition in music as well in social media, earning 550K followers and 11K likes for his incredible content.

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