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    Demi Lovato Identifies as Non-Binary; They/Them

    Demi Lovato Identifies as Non-Binary; They/Them

    Newly Discovered Identity

    Demi Lovato has released a video on her twitter page, making an important announcement regarding her identity. Demi identifies as non-binary and wishes to be referred to as they/them.  Lovato states that the decision to identify as non-binary comes from a place of fludity in Lovato’s gender expresssion.

    Demi Lavato
    Demi Lavato identifies as non-binary. Demi Lavato | Twitter

    Open About Their Life Struggles

    Ultimately, the singer has been fairly candid throughout their life. Accordingly, Lovato has spoken at large about their mental health struggles, regarding a bipolar diagnosis, impulsivity, and the abuse of substances. Despite, being in and out of rehab, the singer has been able to do some soul searching. Hopefully, this included delving into the root of her impulsive behavior. Now, Demi will address identity and what that will look like moving forward.

    Demi lavato identifies as non-binary. Uses they/them pronoun. Demi Lavato | Twitter

    In a heartfelt video, the singer opens up with a personal revelation, saying, “I want to share something deeply personal with you. In the past year and a half, I’ve been on a journey of healing and self-reflection. Through this process, I’ve come to realize that I identify as non-binary. As a result, I will now be using They/Them pronouns.”

    Webseries Discourse

    Furthermore, the pop singer will explore what it means to identify as non-binary. Additionally, the series will feature different stories regarding non-binary identity. They will include friends and experts.

    This is new ground for most people who are uniformed. For this reason, Lovato is using their platform to create a true learning experience for all. Especially, hoping to provide further education to those just discovering the term, non-binary and who may not understand what it means. This new series opens up a discord around the subject of gender, identity, and fluidity. Consequently, Lovoto’s webseries will also form a community of inclusion for those who may not have that opportunity in their own lives.

    “I’m doing this for those who can’t openly be themselves with their loved ones.”

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