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    Cody Capone Drops New Single “Cachazo” – A Taste of What’s to Come from Upcoming Album

    Cody Capone, the up-and-coming singer and songwriter, has released his latest single, “Cachazo,” on all major streaming platforms. The song is the first single from Cody’s highly anticipated debut album, set to be released later this year.

    “Cachazo” is a mesmerizing blend of electronic and pop music with catchy hooks and mesmerizing beats that will keep you dancing all night long. The song showcases Cody’s unique vocal style and songwriting skills, making it clear that he is an artist to watch in the coming years.

    The new single has already garnered attention from fans and music critics alike, who are eagerly anticipating the release of the full album. In today’s music scene, Cody Capone’s music stands out as a breath of fresh air, boasting a distinctive sound that sets him apart from fellow artists in the industry.

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