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    Cristiano Ronaldo Throws $21 Million at Judge and Escapes Prison!

    Cristiano Ronaldo is a lucky man.

    The soccer star was seen happily arriving to his court date, accompanied by his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez. Probably because, it’s been learned that he’s being given a slap on the wrist after being accused of tax fraud…a $21 million slap on the wrist that is.

    Ronaldo was accused of hiding money he made between the years 2011 and 2014. He reportedly brought in close to $16.7 million from image rights in Spain during that time. But, Ronaldo never reported the income.

    As a result, he was facing a 23-month prison sentence.

    Luckily, for the soccer star…or football star, he has a squeaky clean record, and a good set of lawyers. Ronaldo’s lawyers were able to work out a sweet deal to avoid him going to the slammer. For just $21 million, CR can continue to roam freely.

    TMZ adds that Ronaldo makes about $93 million per year. So the money he’ll have to pay to stay out of prison probably won’t be missed.

    Thoughts? Do you think the fine was enough to buy Ronaldo a “get out jail free” card? leave your comments below.

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