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    China Kindergarten Stabbing Claims Six Lives

    China kindergarten stabbing claims six lives! A knife attack at a children’s school in southern China has claimed the lives of six people, including three children. The incident took place at 7.40am on Monday outside the kindergarten.
    The school is in Lianjiang City, Guangdong Province. The victims include a teacher, two parents, and three children. A 25-year-old man surnamed Wu has been arrested, and police have classified the attack as an intentional assault.
    The news has sparked outrage online, with the incident quickly becoming one of the most-read items on the microblogging site Weibo. The incident aligns with a worrying pattern, with knives being used more frequently in attacks at schools. China has strict laws on gun ownership, which means it’s rare for violent crime to occur within educational institutions. Though the country has seen a disturbing rise in knife attacks in recent years. A few of them have targeted kindergartens.
    Most of the incidents seem to stem from revenge or mental illness. Last August, a knife-wielding assailant stormed a kindergarten in the southeastern Jiangxi province. That attacker managed to killed three people. In April 2021, a mass stabbing killed two children and injured 16 people.
    In November 2019, a man climbed a wall in southwest Yunnan province and sprayed people with a corrosive liquid. He killed five and injured 51 other students and faculty.
    Most cases have male perpetrators. Experts think that male assailants have a grudge against society. These attacks have led to heightened security at schools in China. Though the country still struggles to prevent such incidents from happening. Many parents look to move their kids to private schools because of the fear of attacks at public ones.


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