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    Charlotte Sands’ latest single “Alright” empowers social misfits through ethereal pop anthem

    Charlotte Sands, the electric-blue-haired artist, has just released a live performance of her ethereal pop anthem “Alright.” The song portrays a significant turning point in Charlotte’s narrative, where she transforms her feelings of being an outsider into empowering art. Through unwavering dedication, self-reflection, and a winding journey, she has channeled those haunting emotions into her most impactful work to date.

    Charlotte’s kaleidoscopic songs break down biases and stigmas often associated with pop. With a fizzy and hooky musical style, her songs beautifully blend sublimely atmospheric, angsty, emo-tinged, punky, and metallic elements, sometimes all within the same track. Each song is an expression of her emotions meticulously penned down, often delivering both playful and energetic tunes that also carry profound depth when you allow yourself to connect with them.
    Coinciding with the release of “Alright,” Charlotte has revealed her collaboration with the JED Foundation, a nonprofit committed to safeguarding emotional health and preventing suicide among teens and adults. This partnership will feature exclusive Charlotte Sands x JED Foundation merchandise, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support the nonprofit’s vital work.
    Charlotte’s success is a testament to her broadly resonant messaging and tireless work ethic. She finally found the community she craved growing up and created it herself for other social misfits. When people feel seen and supported, the world becomes a better place.

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