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    Busted at Boston Logan! Michigan Woman Caught with $400K of Pot on London Flight

    Gates open, leaving passengers bursting in to catch their flights. However, the regular security check turns into a dramatic occurrence upon Nalexus Palmer’s pulling to the side. A 28-year-old from Michigan, like everyone else, preparing for a regular flight.

    However, this particular departure might take her for layover of another kind. And there is a reason: because this lady smuggled no fewer than 74 pounds of marijuana, and she has placed it in her suitcase so that it is possible to think that just a person is unfriendly because of its absence!

    We’re talking about sealed green gold above a thousand dollars worth; yes, it’s $370,000 worth! The street value of a reggae concert is easy to cover. Surely, security should have wanted a double and maybe a triple? Take where this herbal treasure was found.

    Now, though, Ms. Palmer’s tale takes a turn for the tantalizing. She maintains that she was an innocent party to this whole green deviancy. A second strange woman had delivered the two suitcases earlier in the day, and another figure, a man in the shadows, had been pulling the strings. Maybe the entire caper is a riff straight out of a stoner flick.

    The cops weren’t buying it. Palmer was charged with that hefty quantity of marijuana that crosses the line into a true crime: trafficking. The bail was set at $3,000. Her passport was confiscated. She was on non-Logan-Airport-grounded terms (except for the travel people are really, really cleared for). There will be a follow-up on May 24th. Stay tuned for more of this ganja mystery.

    All that bud could’ve got her a weed in London the size of a ton for a total value of $370,000 . That’s ten dollars per gram, and an ounce can go for $280 there. Just thinking of all the snap photos she could’ve developed from that!

    Stashing your drugs is generally not the first time anyone has attempted to put something outlawed on a plane. Do you recall Dezarary Brown-Bobo? She was a 24-year-old who tried to bring methamphetamines into prison. It didn’t go very well.

    There are significant repercussions for stashing, everyone. Packing for a getaway? Keep it real by keeping the souvenirs at home.

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