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    Alpha Patron Talks Move To LA, Musical Background

    Alpha Patron recently did an interview with HypeFresh. The rapper defined himself as an artist who impacts people through stories, music and his personal endeavors. When people see Alpha Patron, they dream big. Alpha Patron transmits light to all. His birth name is Alpha. Patron comes from a family nickname. In fact, in French and Spanish, patron translates to “boss” – meaning the Central African Republic native was destined to lead.

    What is your musical background? 

    Growing up in the church, I was always around music. My brother played the drums, the piano and the guitar. My mom was heavily involved in our church. At 3 years old, I toted around with my Toys “R” Us guitar. I had a vivid imagination. In middle and high school I had hoop dreams like most kids. But freshman year of high school everything changed. I performed at a talent show. Prior to that, I didn’t sing or anything. I developed a deep love for entertaining people and enjoyed the rush of performing. Three winters later, I went to Winter Jam, a Christian music mega tour in Tacoma, WA. Fans could go to 10 concerts for $10. I saw Lecrae there. People were tuned in and inspired. At that moment I realized that I could see myself doing the same.

    How long have you been making music?

    I dropped my first single during my senior year Lake Stevens High School in Washington in May 2018. I kept going from there. That’s when my level of seriousness grew. Junior year is when I began making songs. I wasn’t serious. I was recording on a $2 microphone in my bedroom. The next year, I took production side with beats and audio more seriously. I learned from more skilled producers and quickly applied those skills to myself. For college, I went to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA for freshman year to try to make my family proud. There I studied artist development. Their courses were too slow for me though. I wanted to be able to grow so I pursued a double major: artist development and business. Then,  I narrowed down to seeking a business degree. I didn’t want to hold music or my passion back any longer. I  had a vision that not everyone saw.

    How is Alpha Patron’s music influenced by his cultural background?
Coming from an African household, I was introduced to a lot of African music. I use African elements to produce an international sound. I actually call it Afro-fusion, where hip hop is the base of pizza and reggae, Afrobeats, dancehall, and other genres are the toppings. I was truly inspired by my diverse friends.

    How did your mother’s scholarship opportunity shift your family’s dynamic?

    In 1997,  my mother’s scholarship helped me put things in perspective. Then I learned that hard work can get you anywhere. My mom was a top tier doctor in central Africa so she had no reason to leave. On top of that, our family didn’t speak much English. Still, she pursued her dreams and moved our family to Washington. The move definitely made our family closer. At the time, there was a war going on in central Africa. My sister was  severely injured, but all the hospitals were destroyed. My mom knew that the next best hospital was in France. We went from Central African Republic to France to Washington within a few months’ time. Unfortunately my sister didn’t make it. That great loss made my mom decide that a life in the US was the best thing for us.

    What childhood experiences have influenced the content of your music? ‘Letter to My Father’ for example.

    The song stemmed from feelings I had as a younger kid. Things I kept inside as a kid overwhelmed me. The more you put in your closet, the more it overflows. I started facing the issues in my closet  so that people will be inspired to deal with their own issues. There’s super personal content in that song. Even still, my friend pushed him me to put it out like Lecrae did.

    How would you describe your music to potential fans?

    My music can be described as positive, optimistic and uplifting. I like to make uplifting, dope music. I want people to feel like I’m talking directly to them. Then they have the urge to get up and dance.

    You have a single called  ‘Grateful.’ What are you most grateful for?

    I’m grateful for life in general, I’m also grateful for good health and being alive during this time. Of course my family, friends and a platform too. And God; he’s what I’m most grateful for.

    What challenges are you still trying to overcome?

    I just moved to LA. When you make a step in the right direction, things come your way, including securing  financial stability, etc. I have to watch who I surround myself with because bad company can ruin good people. For that reason, I thank God for discernment. I thought long and hard about moving to three locations: LA, Atlanta and NYC. Next, I had to decide where to go and I abruptly up and moved. More importantly, I was certain that Washington wouldn’t get me where I needed to be. I also knew that you can’t fish for salmon in a pond. So I went for the ocean.

    How has your creative process changed during the pandemic?

    Like I said, I just made the big move to LA. I’ve been here for a week. Back in school, I started seeing money come into account from making music while in school. After I dropped out, I decided that I was going to give my all to music, not just 40%. I had momentum going; I had a blast performing in front of tons of people. Then the pandemic hit and I started questioning my purpose. It’s cool to perform, but sometimes you have to slow down, reflect, and learn the craft more. I spent my time focusing on theThe business aspect of things. My creative process evolved because I reflected on my past, including my closet of struggles. It was a blessing in disguise.

    What can fans expect from Alpha Patron in 2021?
I’d say fans can expect more dope music and dope visuals from Alpha Patron. Sit back and watch to see what’s in store.

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