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    5 Celebrities That Have Dealt With Depression

    Admitting to depression can be challenging due to the stigma surrounding mental health and illness. However, depression is quite common. It is so common that estimates say that at least 17.3 million adults in the United States have been depressed at some point in theair life. That number may be higher because the stigma often leads to underreporting. Just about 8.7% of women compared to about 5.3% of men are diagnosed with depression.

    5 Celebrities That Have Dealt with Depression

    Here are five celebrities that have depression or have dealt with depression at some point in their lives. Celebrities may be even more at risk because they sacrafice their normalcy and their privacy. Some may find it difficult to know who to trust or who is looking for a pay day. There may be pressure to keep going even when your stress is high and your body is calling for you to slow down.

    Five celebrities speak up in attempt to remove the stigma around mental illness and norrmalize the struggle with mental illness. This is important if more people struggling with depression are to reach out and get help. Hopefully, their openness can help you realize that it is okay to get help, if you need it.

    1. Mylie Cyrus

      Mylie Cyrus
      5 celebrities that have dealt with depression. #1 Mylie Cyrus | Twitter

      The pop star had quite the amount of trigger and life transitions. She spent a great deal of her childhood in the spotlight and having to grow up under that scrutiny may be difficult for a young person

      Depression is a significant issue that often goes unaddressed. Many people struggle to talk openly about feeling sad, but it’s important to recognize that it’s okay to feel that way. I personally experienced a period of deep depression where I isolated myself and my dad had to intervene. It’s not uncommon for individuals with depression to withdraw from others. Seeking support and talking to someone can benefit everyone. While I typically have reservations about medication, I acknowledge that some people genuinely require it, and I myself needed it at one point.

    2. Dwayne Johnson

      Dwayne Johnson
      5 celebrities that have dealt with depression. #2 Dwayne Johnson | Twitter

      “I found that, with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you’re not alone,” Dwayne Johnson spoke, “You’re not the first to go through it; you’re not going to be the last to go through it.” This is the most common feeling that you are alone but you aren’t if you realize that others have struggled and come out on the other side of this.

      There are moments when you simply feel alone. It’s as if you’re isolated in your own world. I often think back to that time and wish there was someone who could have taken me aside and reassured me, saying, “Hey, everything will be alright. It will be okay.” I just wish I had known that then. Finding support when you are depressed is difficult for some. But, finding someone to remind you that you aren’t alone and that will listen and be a sounding board can be super helpful.

    3. Nicki Minaj

      Nicki Minaj
      5 celebrities that have dealt with depression. #3 Nicki Minaj | Twitter

      Setbacks are a common trigger to depression. Nicki Minaj opened up about her struggles, saying, “I faced numerous obstacles, one after another. There were moments when I questioned if life was worth it, if I should just give up.” These thoughts and experiences are common among individuals dealing with depression. However, many may be able to work through depression before it gets to that point.

    4. J.K. Rowling

      J.K. Rowling
      5 celebrities that have dealt with depression. #4 J.K. Rowling | Twitter

      J.K. explained to Oprah Winfrey that it’s challenging to explain depression to someone who hasn’t experienced it, as it goes beyond mere sadness. “But it’s that cold absence of feeling — that really hollowed-out feeling.” What Rowling describes sounds a lot like feeling numb. It’s more than being sad, it’s not being able to enjoy the positive moments in front of you. It’s not feeling anything bad or good or just being flooded with bad feelings and not seeing an upside.

    5. Meghan Markle

      Meghan Markle
      5 celebrities that have dealt with depression. #5 Meghan Markle | Twitter

      The duchess of susex received a lot of criticism over her claims of depression and thoughts of suicide but difficult transitions can be a big trigger to depression. Being isolated from those who are supportive and that love you or withdrawing from that, can increase your feelings of loneliness, which is a big precurser to depression. Pregnancy can increase these odds with hormones being in flux and can also occur after a pregnancy.

      Honestly, I felt so ashamed to admit it, especially to Harry, considering the immense loss he’s experienced. But I had to express it, because if I didn’t, I feared I might act on it—I just reached a point where I no longer wanted to live. It was a persistent and terrifying thought that consumed me.

    Depression Is Not a Cry For Attention; More than just sadness. Symtomology. 

    Depression is more than just feeling sad or attention seeking. Depression can look like a cluster of these symptoms (symptoms must last at least two weeks and include a change in your previous level of functioning for a diagnosis of depression):

    • pulling away from others and enjoyable activities
    • sleep impairment (Insomnia or increased sleep, ie. not wanting to get out of bed)
    • suicial thoughts or planning
    • decision impairment
    • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
    • Feelings of worthlessness
    • compassion fatigue (First responders)
    • Feeling isolated or alone (not being able to see loved ones)
    • Common symptoms include headaches, body aches, stomach issues, and skin rashes (more prevalent in children).
    • Over Indulgence in substance abuse
    • decreased libido or engagement in sexual activities

    There could be any number of triggers. For instance, losing a love one or grieving some kind of loss, pregnancy (post-partem), loss of job or purpose, a loss in identity, a sudden medical or mental health diagnosis, not seeing loved ones or feeling more alone. As you can probably see, a number of these seem to be present in an all time high.

    “Grief and depression can co-exist. Experiencing the loss of a loved one, job loss, being a victim of physical assault, or going through a major disaster can cause depression. When grief and depression occur together, the grief is more intense and prolonged compared to grief without depression (American Psychiatric Association).

    The pandemic and current painful climate can be triggering a number of these symptoms among people. Depression doesn’t discriminate. The people effected can be struggling with other stressors already. On the other hand, it could be those, who have been relatively mentally and physically healthy all their lives. With the uncertainty that lies right now, for all of us, it’s no wonder that numbers are increasing.

    Risk Factors for Depression

    (American Psychiatric Association)

    Still there is a stigma around mental health. Those who may need it the most may be afraid to reach other and likewise the number of people needing help are increasing every day taxing an already full client list for many counselors. This may mean longer wait times to get connected to mental health providers and those who may not be able to get help right away.

    Environmental factors can include exposure to violence, neglect, abuse, or poverty. The more environmental factors someone has, the greater possibility that they can become depressed. Other than environmental or eventful triggers, what else can determine if I will become depressed? Well, some people may have a higher biochemistry that predisposes them to become depressed. It can be something they inherit from family members who also struggle with depression. Someone who is overly pessimistic, or isn’t good under stress (or may become stressed more easily) or seem to have a lower self worth may find themselves increasingly at risk.

    Get Help (Treatment):

    Now, that you are aware that you are not alone and depression is common, lets talk about treatment options. You can treat depression by use of talk therapy (counseling) or medication (SSRIs) or a combination of the two. Each person is different so finding the right combination for you may take some time.

    What can I do on my own?

    While you wait, you can look into increasing self care habits. This may mean the practice of positive self talk or affirmations, meditation or deep breathing, reducing the over-indulgence in sleep, food, or alcohol/drugs. It could also mean journaling or talking with friends or support groups. Another way to help is by changing your enviorment and becoming active. You can do both of these by getting outdoors and walking. Fresh air can also help and would be a good time to practice belly breathing exercises.

    You’re not alone. If you’re thinking about self-harm or need immediate support, Get in touch with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text HOME to 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line. There are additional resources available to help you.
    Remember Depression is common and treatable. It’s okay to not be okay. So, reach out, get help, and live your best life. 

    Related Music: Marshmellow & Demi Lovato “OK Not To Be OK”

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