We don’t know about you all, but when we have to sit through ads on YouTube…we can’t wait until it’s over.
Unfortunately for us, and those that feel our pain, YouTube has decided to double up on them. They’re called pre-roll “ad pods,” which means multiple ads that play back-to-back within one ad break, and YouTube plans on rolling them out either at the beginning of the video, or somewhere in the middle.
Although some people aren’t excited about the news, the company claims the increased ads will help make watching videos more enjoyable.
“YouTube continues to innovate and think about how we can make the ad experience as good as possible for the user.” said Debbie Weinstein, VP of YouTube and video global solutions. The company plans to initiate the changes gradually. The increased ads will only appear on desktops, before being introduced to people’s mobile devices and television devices next year.
The decision is their latest move to make YouTube as similar to a TV-like experience as possible.
There is a silver lining at the end of the tunnel though. YouTube assures that viewers will be able to opt-out of watching the ads, with a prompt offered at the beginning, similar to what viewers may recall now.
YouTube says that the ads are meant to decrease the number of times viewers are interrupted. Instead of four breaks, the roll-out of two ads at once will only interrupt viewers twice.
“There’s no reason for YouTube not to test the ad product to see how users respond to the more upfront ads,” said Mark Sytsma, associate director of paid social at Huge. It’s basically a win-win for YouTube.
As for viewers, if they don’t like the ads, there’s always the option of paying $10 for an ad-free monthly subscription.
Either way, they win and we lose.