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    Here Are The Best Songs To Have Sex To

    For Valentine’s Day, Spotify decided to survey its users’ choices for songs that fit into a playlist related to “sex”–and the list just might upgrade your bedroom game.

    The music streaming giant did this for users in several countries including Australia, where they found that either Australians have remarkably consistent senses of humor or weird ideas as to good music to boink to.

    The top sexy time song in the Land Down Under? “Cantina Band” from the Star Wars: A New Hope soundtrack by John Williams.

    No, we don’t get it either.

    But hey, that’s Australia, land of deadly animals and insects around every corner. They need to keep things lighthearted there.

    Elsewhere the list of popular 2017 songs used to soundtrack bedroom antics is a little more what you might expect. And—perhaps naturally—a number from Rihanna tops the list:

    1. “Sex With Me” — Rihanna
    2. “Birthday Sex” — Jeremih
    3. “Ride” — SoMo
    4. “Earned It” (Fifty Shades Of Grey) — The Weeknd
    5. “Slow Motion” — Trey Songz
    6. “Often” — The Weeknd
    7. “Neighbors Know My Name” — Trey Songz
    8. “Pony” — Ginuwine
    9. “Sex” — Cheat Codes
    10. “All The Time” — Jeremih

    As we’ve noted in the past, one good way to spark a little more action is putting on some music in the first place.

    Here, Spotify has simply narrowed down the data for you and put together the beginnings of one very hot playlist which you can order in any way you like.

    Here Are The Best Songs To Have Sex To (2)

    Though we obviously would suggest you always start with Rihanna.

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