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    Waka Flocka Shares Shocking Story of 10 Men Jumping Him and No One Stepping In

    Rapper Waka Flocka Flame caused a stir on social media when he made some pretty surprising claims, stating he was jumped by ten men. He posted a graphic photo to his Instagram of the beatings, which included bruises and cuts to his face. The image went viral, and the comments were filled with fan reactions ranging from concern to skepticism.

    The photo came with a heart-touching message from Waka Flocka, who still cannot believe nobody came to his rescue during the attack. “Can’t believe nobody helped me fight ten nixxas off but I’m still standing ten toes,” he said, adding how strong he has been since the brutal incident.

    The aftermath of the event did not end with the photo, as Waka would follow through, creating an Instagram Stories video in black and white, showing the same injuries. The bruises and swelling to his face surely contrasted with the usual energy and over-the-top character he was known for.

    Not everyone took that post at face value, however. The comments section blew up with fans and followers alike questioning the validity of Waka’s claims. Some insinuated that the injuries could have derived from a fall, while others have speculated the whole thing was a publicity stunt.

    Despite the comments, Waka seemed to have been joking on himself. Two hours deep from his post, he posted another video showing that his face had miraculously healed, with no bruises or injuries.

    “Crazy y’all n##### believe that s###,”

    he said, laughing and seeming to get a kick out of the prank pulled on his followers.

    The injuries appeared to be some sort of stage makeup, and the incident was more on the lines of a prank rather than an attack. Waka Flocka, whose character is playful and sometimes unpredictable, had pulled off another stunt that left fans chattering, even though they were somehow perplexed.

     Waka Flocka attacked by 10 men in public
    via- X

    But what does that all mean in regard to what the rapper’s brand and public image are? Waka Flocka’s post was a surefire way to get some attention; however, it did raise some questions about the messages he’s giving to his audience. Was this just some kind of harmless joke, or was this deeper in relation to how he navigates his public persona?

    Of course, this joke is easily dismissed, but let’s be serious for a second: Waka’s life has been anything but a joke. The rapper has experienced unimaginable loss: two brothers taken away-one in a tragic accident, the other to suicide. Clearly, these gut-wrenching moments in life have shaped how he looks at the world and his fanbase.

     Waka Flocka fight with 10 men no help
    VIA- spotify

    Controversies notwithstanding, Waka Flocka has managed to be an omnipresent figure in pop culture. And through his music, reality TV appearances, or even moments like this, the rapper knows how to keep his audience titillated-even if it means pulling the occasional stunt.

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