Japanese manga and anime creator Leiji Matsumoto On February 13, at the age of 85, he/she peacefully departed. His immediate family held a private funeral service with his manga creator wife Miyako Maki as the chief mourner.
Matsumoto was known for his epic sci-fi sagas that featured anti-war themes and emotional stories. He was a popular and influential artist throughout Japan and the world. He received several prestigious culture and arts awards from Japan, including the Order of the Rising Sun and Gold Rays with Rosette.
Space Battleship Yamato
Leiji Matsumoto, the legendary anime artist behind Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999, passed away last week at age 85. Matsumoto’s works inspired many anime series and movies that became popular worldwide in the 1970s.
Matsumoto started writing manga while he was in high school in 1953, with Michibachi no Boken (Honeybee’s Adventure). He soon moved to Tokyo and made his name as a comic book artist.
He later went on to become one of Japan’s most influential and well-respected manga creators. He created a variety of genres including space, cowboys, ronin (masterless samurai) and more.
In addition to his work as a manga creator, Matsumoto also acted as the director for several animations. His most notable work is Space Battleship Yamato, which spawned a series of animes that influenced future animes in the medium.
His work includes many themes, including brave sacrifice and respect for heroes that are lost in the line of duty. Matsumoto’s works were highly influential, and he received numerous awards and accolades for his work.
Galaxy Express 999
The legendary anime artist Leiji Matsumoto, best known for Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999, passed away at 85 on Monday. The manga creator’s work was adapted into anime television series that became popular worldwide.
Matsumoto’s works feature a mix of historical periods and technologies, often in a science fiction setting. His mechanical designs range from sleek World War II dreadnoughts to fantastical space trains, and his characters were either cartoonish or realistic.
He also supervised several animated music videos for French electronic pop group Daft Punk, which were strung together into an end-to-end film titled INTERSTELLA 5555.
In this story, an impoverished boy named Tetsuro Hoshino decides to buy a pass on the Galaxy Express 999, a train that travels throughout space. However, it is not long before Tetsuro is kidnapped and the girl he’s been travelling with is killed. This is the origin of the plot of Galaxy Express 999, which became a popular manga series and was later adapted into three movies.
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Leiji Matsumoto, the legendary anime artist whose works such as Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999 influenced generations of artists, has passed away at 85. He died of heart failure on 13 February, his company announced Monday.
Matsumoto grew up during World War II and was inspired to create manga that often featured anti-war themes. He said he wanted people to avoid conflict and live sustainably for the environment.
One of his most famous creations was the SF version of a wild-west gunslinger, Captain Harlock (or Herlock in Japanese). The lone gunman is tall, scarred and ever-ready with a saber rifle.
His closest friend Tochiro Oyama is also a hero to Harlock; in a time of grueling and unyielding government, Tochiro’s love for Earth and belief in its continued progress is what motivates Harlock to fight for it.
Matsumoto wrote more than 150 manga stories about war and its aftermath. He was 7 years old when World War II ended and was deeply moved by its devastation.
Otoko Oidon
The legendary anime artist Leiji Matsumoto passed away last week at age 85 due to a heart problem, the manga publisher Toei confirmed. He was known for his cult works such as Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999 and Space Pirate Captain Harlock that were adapted into live-action movies and animated TV shows that influenced generations of fans in Japan and beyond.
He also collaborated with French electronic music duo Daft Punk in creating several animated videos for their songs, including One More Time. His work has impacted many people across the world and inspired generations of artists to create their own manga stories.
Matsumoto was born in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan and moved to Tokyo at the age of 18 to pursue a career as a manga artist. He made his first manga, Michibachi no Boken, in 1953.