In his Instagram story, he playfully shared a video of the incident, exclaiming, “F**k dat phone” with a laughing emoji. Chris Brown was in hot water on Wednesday after a concertgoer tried to film his lap dance on stage. After he didn’t appreciate her attempts, he snatched her phone and launched it into the crowd.
The incident happened during Brown’s show in Berlin. He was reportedly in the middle of his Under The Influence tour overseas.
Chris Brown is totally cool with giving his fans a complimentary lap dance onstage
Chris Brown is totally cool with giving his fans a complimentary lap dance onstage, as long as they aren’t filming it. However, he was a little bit disappointed when a fan tried to film his latest on-stage stunt.
The 32-year-old rapper was in Berlin on Wednesday (March 1), and while he was displaying his dance moves to his lucky fan, he didn’t appreciate her attempt to capture the moment on video.
Luckily, her phone was able to get back to her courtesy of another concert-goer who held on to it as the Indigo crooner performed his infamous lap dance.
The video of the onstage event has sparked debate on social media. Whether or not the gimmick actually worked, it’s hard to deny that Breezy was a star of the night for his energetic performance. The singer is currently on tour for his “Under the Influence” European run, which runs until February 14. Check out the lap dance above!
The fan tried to film it
Chris Brown may be cool with giving his fans a lap dance onstage, but he’s not so keen on people trying to film the experience. He’s seen a number of videos of this happening on his social media and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
On Wednesday night, he was performing in Berlin during his “Under the Influence” tour and a fan tried to film her experience during his performance.
While the sultry singer performed his 2007 bedroom hit, “Take You Down,” the lucky woman pulled her phone out to take a video of the moment.
When he noticed her trying to film him, he snatched her phone from her hand and flung it into the crowd.
Afterward, he shared a video on his Instagram story, where he jokingly exclaimed, “F**k dat phone” with a laughing emoji. The fan was able to retrieve her phone at the end of the show. She even got it back from another Black woman who had been in the crowd.
Chris Brown snatches her phone
During his concert in Berlin, Chris Brown snatched a fan’s phone into the crowd while she was filming her lap dance. It was a once in a lifetime moment for this lucky girl and she was sure to remember it forever!
Thankfully, she was able to get her phone back after it went viral on TikTok. But not everyone is happy with this incident and it’s certainly not the first time a celebrity has thrown a phone into the crowd.
According to reports, Chris pulled an eager fan onto the stage and tried to perform a sensual lap dance for her, but she seemed more focused on capturing it on her phone than enjoying her special attention. She tried to film it multiple times, but Chris snatched her phone and hurled it into the crowd.
Chris Brown launches her phone into the crown
Chris Brown hurled a fan’s phone into the crowd during his lap dance on stage in Berlin. But luckily, the woman was able to retrieve her phone after the concert.
Brown has been a polarizing figure in recent years, with controversies surrounding his personal life and career. He was convicted of assaulting Rihanna in 2009, and his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran won a five-year restraining order against him for allegedly aggressively treating her.
Currently on tour, the R&B singer has won over his fans with electrifying onstage lap dances. But he clearly wasn’t pleased when one over-eager fan tried to film his sexy performance.