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    Tyrese Gibson Slams Ex-Wife for Demanding $40K/Month Child Support

    Tyrese Gibson is an actor extraordinaire in blockbuster films, but he has also had a recording artist career. He has been embattled with his ex-wife, Samantha Lee, over child support payments. What had started off as a request for $20,000 per month now became escalated—Samantha’s legal team asking for the total of $40,000 per month since Tyrese has recently experienced some financial success.

    Tyrese hasn’t been silent over his frustrations, most of all on social media. He has continuously bashed Samantha and her lawyers for wanting to take advantage of his financial gains. At one point, he referred to the legal battle as a “dirty game,” insinuating that it was not about the welfare of their daughter but money manipulation. He expressed deepest concerns as to how his financial records are being scrutinized, insisting that he finds the demand for this increase in child support to be excessive and unjust.

    This is part of a much larger, much longer legal battle that began months ago. Initially, a judge had ordered Tyrese to pay almost $650,000 in back child support and legal fees. He continued appealing this judgment, arguing that his assessment was unfair. To add fuel to the fire in the incident, he went on record to accuse the presiding judge of having racial bias, simply complicating the legal proceedings at hand further.

    The case of Tyrese and Samantha shows just how complicated and stressful famous divorces and custody battles can be. For people like Tyrese, whose incomes are always under public scrutiny, such cases may prove not only financially expensive but sometimes end up being a public circus as well. The outcome of Samantha’s increased demand, and if Tyrese’s appeal will alleviate the heavy financial burden he is currently facing, only time may be able to tell since the legal battle is still on.


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