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    [Update] Psycho Ukrainian Girl Tries to Kill Adoptive Parents

    Things just got super weird!

    What would you do if you learned that you’re adopted 6-year-old daughter was really a psycho Ukrainian 22-year-old girl, and she was trying to kill you and your family? Would you try to give her back? Would you tell the authorities? Or…would you leave her stranded in an empty apartment, while you and your husband hop a flight to Canada?

    Can’t decide?…Well, thats’s ok. We can look at one lady’s experience as firsthand inspiration on how to handle the bizarre situation.

    Indiana Woman Adopts 6-year-old Daughter

    Kristine Barnett and her husband Michael Barnett are apart of, quite possibly, the biggest hoax ever in history. The Indiana couple adopted, what they believed to be, a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl with dwarfism. But they quickly realized things weren’t adding up when their daughter didn’t act like a regular child.

    Kristine says that they adopted Natalia Grace in 2010 and quickly started to acclimate her to their family. She claims she and her husband took Natalie to the beach, to Disney World, to ice cream dates, and even staged pillow fights to make her feel more comfortable. However, they noticed Natalia didn’t quite like too many of those activities.

    Kristine says that Natalia often wanted to hang with older girls, and would use big words that a normal 6-year-old would normally struggle with. It wasn’t until she discovered Natalia had her period and pubic hair that she decided to take her suspicions to experts.

    Not to mention, Natalia tried to kill Kristine, Michael, and their other children. The family recalls Natalia trying to poison them with bleach, push them into electric fences and threaten them with sharp objects. All of which leads them to seek expert advice.

    After taking Natalia to see a few physicians, one physician confirmed Natalia was at least 14-years-old or older, while another claimed she was 22-years-old.

    It Get’s Stranger

    But more oddly, Kristine and Michael decided to keep Natalia and treat her as an adult. They bought her an apartment and signed her up for public assistance. Natalia also received treatment for various psychiatric disorders, reports Daily Mail.

    However, when the couple moved to Canada a judge charged them with child abandonment, after leaving Natalia behind in Indiana.

    Long story short…none of these doctors know what they’re talking about. Because it turns out the psycho Ukrainian girl may or may not have been 22-years old…even though all signs point to she was.


    Micheal said he “doesn’t believe” he will go to prison after facing abandonment charges.
    When asked whether he thought he could go to prison over the charges, Michael said: “I don’t believe that’s going to happen.”
    “The charges are very easy for us to defend, but the fact is Natalia not once but three times has been ruled to be a fully grown adult”
    “She has been legally adult for seven years.”

    He said they knew ‘something was very wrong’ when his wife noticed pubic hair while bathing Natalia, and immediately started to wonder about the girl’s age.

    Any thoughts? How do you feel about this psycho Ukrainian girl? Leave a comment below.

    Lastly, keep visiting Hypefresh for all the WTF news!

    Featured Image Credit: Cafe Mom

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