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    The Real Reason Men Prefer “Less Attractive” Women, According to Cardi B

    With Cardi B’s bold personality and uncensored opinion, one wouldn’t spare any moments in stirring the pot yet again with her candid comments on relationships, societal norms, and gender dynamics. Multi-platinum rapper Cardi B is opening up about what she believes fuels some men’s dating preferences in a heated debate across social platforms that has left many talking following a recent social media livestream.

    Cardi B told a story on her livestream about a man who was very rich and had shared with her why he dates “6s” rather than “10s.” According to Cardi, he said that less traditionally hot women are often considered to be more submissive, making them “easier to control.” The rapper’s take? Many men are intimidated by independent, financially successful women, perceiving them as harder to dominate.

    Cardi later took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to expound on her comments: “Men are intimidated by women that make their own money because they’re not as easy to control.” Her frank comments cut right through the double standards of society and some men’s insecurities when they come across strong, independent women.

    The rapper’s comments went viral in no time and created a storm of conversations online. The fans and the critics went to social media to share their thoughts.

    Many came out to support Cardi for having aired what they perceived as a general problem. One fan chimed in, “Finally, somebody said it! Guys gotta stop being scared of powerful women.” Others praised her for exposing the double standards which society throws at women once they finally attain independence.

    Not everyone was aboard, though. People jumped on Cardi for pitting divisively stereotypical ideas against each other: “Not all men feel this way. Some of us love a confident woman who knows her worth,” argued one commenter. The thread really heated up when submission in relationships came up-some users definitely pushed against her implications.

    Cardi B’s sharp commentary comes after her own very dramatic relationship with Offset. The two, who share three children, have seen their fair share of public drama, including infidelity allegations. Even after filing for divorce earlier this year, Cardi was seen attending Offset’s birthday just days before her viral livestream.

    During the livestream, Cardi fired back at one criticism about women being judged for their exes. “Don’t ever tell me I’m not a bad b—h because I used to be with a f— n—a,” she fired back in what many interpreted as an Offset reference. “I know my value, bitch.

    That is far from all that was said. Cardi went on further and challenged a view that women in society owe their value to the guys they date. She says, “A f— n—a still can’t let a ho go. That’s how you know my value.

    Major outlets like Daily Guide Network and Daily Post Nigeria had barely any time to put the comments of Cardi to work, leaping the subject into mainstream consciousness. The coverage underlined the wider ramifications of what she had just said: it was of beauty standards, power, and also traditional gender roles in relationships. Reactions were all over the board after Cardi made these comments. Some supporters praised her for calling out the hypocrisy within society, while critics believed she generalized men and oversimplified a highly complex dynamic within relationships.

    As one fan tweeted, “Cardi isn’t afraid to say what most women are thinking, and that’s why we love her.” “She’s projecting her own issues onto all men. This isn’t the universal experience,” shot back a detractor.


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